Morning session

Good Morning Everyone! Children arrive at Pre-School via the main entrance.

We all gather to the story carpet for group time. Here we will welcome the Morning children and practise our maths and writing skills. We sing good morning and together we will discuss what we can play with today.

We have free play the children can choose toys such as train tracks, dolls, creative or messy activities.
During free play the staff facilitates adult led activities with small groups of children. During free play the children will have a snack which they can access themselves independently.

10.00- 11.15
The doors are open and the children can go outside if they choose to. There are lots of fun things for us to do outside. We can ride on the bikes, make a mud pie in the mud kitchen, participate in a gardening activity.

Time for Story books, sometimes we read big books as a group or the children look at books together.


Time to wash our hands and get ready for some lunch.

Lunch Time- We all eat our yummy packed lunches together

Afternoon session

We all gather to the story carpet for group time. Here we will welcome the afternoon children and practise our maths and writing skills.

The doors are open and the children can go outside if they choose to There are lots of fun things for us to do outside. The children can practise their throwing and catching skills or practising negotiating space around an obstacle course.

During this time the children participate in the learning theme of the day. The children will be set challenging tasks and will need to work together to achieve them. The children will eat their snack during this time.

Time to sing our going home song and put our coats on ready to go home.
See you again soon!